Who is your favorite character in Twilight?

Monday, December 12, 2011

A new day for my blog!!

Hey all,

So today I was listening to music and as I was explaining the intricacies of one of my favorite songs and the artist that performed them, my stalwart (and super bored of me talking about pop music) Roommate Shifty gave me the idea to write about my findings! So.... here goes. My daily rant (Which has died a needless death) Will now be known as....

Coop's Muse on Pop Culture

So look forward to regularly posted thoughts, reviews, and muses on everything from music to viral videos. If something peaks your interests feel free to leave a comment here or on my facebook page for the blog.


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Oh hey, I'm alive!

It's been an awfully long time since I've updated my blog. I look forward to coming back strong with some hard hitting online journalism...... or just writing about the stuff I don't like. either way, I have an important question for my rantsters....... Where do I begin?

Okay, I'll make since of that now. Over the past few years I've been slowly writing a book about my life to this point. Its kinda a mixture of chicken soup for the soul/it gets better campaign/Oh hell no you didn't think that I wasn't gonna talk about that messed up crap you did to me! I have a few selections already written, but I want to start at the beginning. The thing is.... I don't know which beginning to start at! I have narrowed it down to three beginnings and I want your opinion.

Beginning 1: The first cohesive memories I have. You know, childhood and such the sweet period. I would start here and move forward to today.

Beginning 2: The day I stepped off the plane at SLC Airport to live in Utah. It was the day that I left the craziness of my life in Texas behind and tried to start anew in Utah. I had a few bumps but hey, I'm here. I would start with this part and jump backwards to explain this moment.

Beginning 3: Graduation Day. This is the triumph. 28 years in the making. There was no day like this. the day I graduated from college. I would take time to share the joy of this moment and then jump backwards to explain why its such a triumph in my life.

What do you guys think? Where should we start this? I ask you because you all have been so much a part of my story. so leave me a message and tell me what you think.

Loves to all,
