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Monday, July 26, 2010

WWJSTC (When Will Jesus Stop These Crazies!)

So today I was hipped to a video posted by Pastor Wayne Sapp (such a fitting last name) about "International burn the Koran Day" Sept. 11 2010.  This seems more like "idiotic christian fanatic hypocrisy day" to me.  I was so thoroughly offended that it took me an entire day to gather my thoughts for this post.  I attached the video so you can see it for yourself.  Now I am a Christian, I believe in Christ and the words in the bible (so far as I can interpret them on my own because obviously people get the message screwed up),  and no where in the good book have I read "Thou shalt demean another religion because thou art better than them."  Maybe I am missing it.  I sure would like to find out where it is, because I'm at a loss of words trying to figure out why he is even worried about them.  I mean doesn't he have  a flock of mindless sheep to lead to there destruction?

I tell you what I have read in the Bible, and you would be shocked to know that it has nothing to do with burning other faiths holy books. In Matthew 22 Jesus is asked what is the great commandment.  Hi response is simple, " Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.  This is the first great commandment.  And the second is like unto it. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as THYSELF."

WOW!  How about that! You aren't supposed to hate someone because they don't have your same belief. you are suppose to love them as you would love yourself.  Now if you are suicidal that might pose a problem for us being friend, but I digress.  The point is whatever someone chooses to believe is their choice.  It's not my or pastor whackjob's  duty to dictate that they are evil or not.  I again distinctly remember reading in Matthew 7 that it is not your job to judge your fellow man.

Either way Christians, Athiests, Muslims, Agnostics, Goddesses, people in general need to speak up and speak out against such blatant attacks on humanity.  These actions only further the disparity in the human family.  I believe that what ever God, or entity, or nothing you believe in did not put us hear to hate.


  1. Seriously, if I find this guy... Oh heck, I can't do anything to him. Look, it's like making fun of that retareded kid you knew in high school. Remember the one who only made one sound and most of the time didn't seem to know where he was... Wait, no, that's terrible. I feel like I'm insulting the retarded kid, at least his problems aren't his own fault.

    Seriously though, how does one grow up to be this ignorant? And how do we stop it from happening again.

  2. PS -- you failed to mention buddhists in you list of religions, for shame!

  3. LOL dear Buddhist friend, I also failed to mention unitarian universalists (my choosen affiliation) and the order of the jedi knight (which is a real religion, go figure). "People" covered the many other religions and non religions I didn't mention...... smarty pants.

  4. After watching this video I find it important to note that Christ did not come to this earth to destroy evil or remove Satan from it. But instead he came to lead us all away from evil and Satan. If indeed Christ had come to cast out Satan and evil there would be no evil left on earth and therefore no free agency to choose between good and evil which many believe to have been Satan's original plan anyway.
